We know December has passed, but the snow just means it’s a perfect time to stay indoors, grab a hot chocolate and craft!
Tinkering Trees
The Tinkering Trees activity is simple, fun, AND festive!

- 4 washers per tree, decreasing in size
- Multiple 5/8″ diameter bolts in different lengths for different sized trees (one per tree)
- 5 x 5/8″ size nuts
- Start with a bolt, then alternate stacking different sized nuts and washers to build a tree shape
- For extra fun, paint the materials a forest green colour, and add dots of red, blue and yellow as twinkling lights. Add a paper star or angel, and you’re all set for Saint Nick!
Take your snowball fight indoors with this mini “snowball” shooter!

- 7 popsicle sticks
- 3 rubber bands
- A bottle cap
- Mini marshmallows
- White glue
- Glue 5 popsicle sticks together.
- Stack remaining 2 popsicle sticks together and
wrap a rubber band around one end. - Pull the two popsicle sticks apart and wedge the stack of 5 popsicle sticks between them.
- Secure the catapult together with a rubber band.
- Glue a bottle cap upside down on the end of the top popsicle stick.
- Place a marshmallow snowball on the bottle cap, pull back, and let it fly!