Interested in getting your hands dirty and making a real difference in the engineering space? Check out geotechnical engineering, a branch that focuses on soil mechanics! Now — what is soil mechanics?
Put simply, it’s the examination of the different components that make up the ground, to figure out how it’ll affect an engineering project. This may seem insignificant, but it’s super important — you can’t build a foundation on soil that can’t support it! Because of this, geotechnical engineering affects both our environment and people’s safety!
In this field you get to:
🏠 Support the designing of new buildings, bridges and roads
🪨 Analyze the land to determine its safety and reliability
🌿Assess how the structure would affect the environment
⛰️ Calculate and assess how much weight the ground can take, and also the stability of cliffs and slopes
Cool, right? Want to learn more? As a branch of civil engineering, you can specialize in geotechnical engineering while earning a civil engineering degree!