What’s better than music? Seriously though. You can’t think of anything! Well, maybe love. But can you dance to love!?
Here’s a bunch of tunes to inspire, inform, and act as soundtrack in your Eng World!
Beyonce – I Was Here
This is an inspiring song about making positive changes to make the world a better place.
They Might Be Giants – Meet the Elements
“I love They Might be Giants their songs are informative but actually awesome in an adorable cheesy way”
Vlog Brothers – I LOVE SCIENCE!
“Thank you for putting a good deal of my love into words.”
Lenka – Everything at Once
“not exactly about science, but this song could be a great example and inspiration showing that there is really no limit to anyone’s personality and who they choose to be.”
The Lab Song – Bruno Mars Parody
“Very funny and creative. A great way of thinking about science! :D”
Science Groove – The Nucleus I Like Best
“My teacher was singing this ahahahaaaaaa!”
Solve Me Maybe
“this parody to “Call Me Maybe” is awesome!”
Mr Parr – Electromagnetic Spectrum Song
“A song my science teacher showed us to get the order of the electromagnetic spectrum.”
Bil Nye the Science Guy – G-R-A-V-I-T-Y
“Bill Nye’s science songs are always the most funniest and the best! :D”