Picking a university is tough, especially if you will be calling it home for the next few years. Here are some resources that might help when making your decision:
University Tours
This may seem like an obvious one, but you don’t have to wait until grade 12 to book yourself a university tour! They are a great way to get a feel for the campus, put into perspective the actual sizes of dorm rooms, and get some insider information from your tour guide (especially if they are a current student at the school!).
University Fairs
University Fairs can be a great way to get your questions about a school answered by knowledgeable recruiters. Check with your guidance counsellors to see if your high school hosts any university fairs throughout the year, otherwise check out public university fairs like the annual Ontario University Fair (or any province you may be in!).
University Open Houses
So maybe you missed your chance for a university tour, or maybe you would rather explore a school with more of your friends and family than can fit in a tour group. Universities usually offer multiple Open Houses throughout the school year, where you can explore the campus, hear from different clubs and meet tons of current students. Keep an eye out on school websites for any university you are considering.
Current University Students
Chatting with current university students can be a huge help when debating what school to apply to, or which offer to accept. They can help give you the insider scoop about the school that may not be on the school’s website, and can become a friend should you choose to go there. Talk to your guidance counsellors to see if they can set you up with any of your school’s alumni, or reach out to the university itself.
When in doubt, email them!
All school’s have a Contact section on their website where you can write them an email or get their phone number. If you have a specific question, or just don’t know where to start, they will be happy to help you. Don’t be shy!