Spencer Turbitt is an alumnus Ontario Tech and talks about something he calls the “Student Effect”. Spencer shares three stories that illustrate how you can achieve anything and everything at a young age, by taking advantage of the support that is available around you.
TED talk
Procrastinating? We’ve got just the thing! The YTT have pulled together a series of TED Talks that they LOVE. Grab some popcorn and get comfy, because you’re about to get seriously inspired by these amazing engineering projects.
The Power of Women in STEM: Jin Yan
Jin Yan is a postdoctoral scholar in FSU and a product development engineer in General Capacitor Int. LLC. She is also a recipient of the Amelia Earhart Fellowship from Zonta International, a fellowship that gives financial aid to women studying aerospace science. She knows the value of studying science and the importance of women being […]
Reshma Saujani: Teach girls bravery, not perfection
With rise of technology and innovative solutions, coding is a skill that is and will become the most important ever. Reshma Saujani discusses the current gender gap between the way we teach girls versus the way we teach boys and firmly believes that girls should be taught how to be brave, not how to be […]
Giada Gerboni: The incredible potential of flexible, soft robots
Ever heard of “soft robotics”? Neither had we! Check out biomedical engineer Giada Gerboni discussing how soft robotics play a critical role in surgery, medicine and our daily lives. When we think of robots, we often think of devices that have been human-built for speed and precision but what about their flexibility? Giada Gerboni currently […]
Ayah Bdeir: Building blocks that blink, beep and teach
Ayah combined her passion for art, engineering and business through developing littleBits!
A delightful way to teach kids about computers
Linda Luikus explores the world of coding and computers not as complicated and boring systems but as colorful, expressive machines meant to be tinkered with.